Our Methodology: Team BBX is committed to a noncompetitive, inclusive approach to the social art of partner dance as a catalyst for greater cooperation and camaraderie among classmates. This is achieved through a unique, rotational syllabus that ensures a respectful transition from one student to the next in every dance we teach—regardless of ability, popularity, ethnicity or identity—reflecting our recently-adopted DEI* Manifesto.
Our Vision: Students will internalize the "BALLROOM BASIX USA Experience" of courteous verbal and physical interaction in a supportive setting, positively influencing other areas of their lives. The cultural exploration of these dances will open their hearts and minds to a breadth of backgrounds and foster diverse, multicultural respect. We envision long-lasting effects among kids, their families, and the communities in which they live.
Our History: BBX a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is headquartered in “El Barrio”/East Harlem, where New York City’s salsa and merengue scene began. Our program launched in a single 6th grade class at PS/IS 180 in West Harlem—the birthplace of swing dancing in the 1920s. BBX is very proud of its association with the rich, multi-cultural dance heritages of these neighborhoods. Since 2008, BBX has served over 35,000 students nearly 250 NYC public, charter and Catholic schools in a diversity of communities throughout the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island.
*DEI = Diversity, Equity & Inclusion